Provinyl Winner!

Jeremy from Australia send me this picture and emailed this about his favourite vinyl album, and his love for the black wax:
Dear Guuzbourg,
I am holding "Stax-o-trax" an original LP of original Beach Boys instrumental backing tracks to their hits. It came with a booklet of sheet music and lyrics. My daughter learned to sing Surfer Girl at age 3 and won a talent contest.
I am in Australia but last month we travelled to Bruxelles and Paris - bought vinyl at Arlequin in Bruxelles, Paralleles, 'Born Bad' and 'Ecoute ce disque' in Paris.
Jeremy will get a free copy of the Gainsnord-single (featuring tracks by Juicebox and Spinshots). Want one too? Send me a picture, like Jeremy did, with your favourite vinyl-album (or single, or 10inch), plus a little story about that record. And you might win! Guuzbourg(at)gmail(dot)com
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